Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee


9 November 2020


Report of the Director of Governance


Scrutiny Management and Work Planning


1.        This report outlines the scrutiny work planning arrangements for the remainder of the municipal year, highlighting the way in which items can be brought forward and then allocated to committee meetings through a centrally held work planning document.


2.        In order to manage the workload of Scrutiny and target limited resources in the most effective and constructive way, we are holding a central Work Planning Document which will be kept up to date by Democratic Services, in conjunction with the Chair & Vice Chair of CSMC.

3.        The document will record all items brought forward for potential Scrutiny and will log their progress. Where appropriate, CSMC will assign items to Committee Meetings, Forums or Commissioned Scrutiny, working in conjunction with Committee Chairs, Senior Officers and Executive Members.

Central Work Planning Document

4.        The document will record the following information:

·        Date added

·        Scrutiny Area

·        Item/Topic name

·        Source

·        Priority

·        Scrutiny Type

·        Whether the item is on the Forward Plan

·        The date of any expected related decision and decision maker

·        The details of the meeting to which it has been / will be assigned.


5.        In the event that items cannot be progressed through Scrutiny, alternative routes will be discussed with Committee Chairs and a decision will be recorded under a ‘Current progress’ section.


6.        It is hoped that by completing this document in a timely manner that best use of resources can be achieved to deliver maximum constructive Scrutiny input.


7.        Attached at Annex A is a list of currently ‘active’ scrutiny topics that are yet to be assigned to a committee meeting.


        Upcoming Committee Meetings


8.        The table below shows upcoming scrutiny agendas that have been confirmed:


Confirmed Scrutiny Committee Agendas




Commissioned Scrutiny Slot - Housing and Community Safety Policy and Scrutiny Committee


1. Work of the Community Safety Team and Partners during COVID-19

Health and Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee


1. Finance and Performance Q1 Update
2.  Winter Support Plans for Adult Social Care Providers
3. Forward Look at Preparedness of GP Practices for next 6 months.

Commissioned Scrutiny Slot - Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee


1. Asset Management Strategy Review
2. Process Behind (and reporting of) Decisions to Dispose of an Asset


Council Plan

9.    The work of Scrutiny can have an impact on all elements of the Council Plan but particularly in respect to the ‘open and effective council’ outcome.

10.  In producing this report the following implications have been considered:


·           Financial – There are no financial implications.

·           Human Resources (HR)– There are no HR implications

·           Equalities– There are no equalities implications

·           Legal – There are no legal implications

·           Crime and Disorder – There are no Crime and Disorder implications

·           Information Technology (IT) –There are no IT implications

·           Property – There are no property implications

·           Other – There are no other identified implications.

Risk Management


11.    There are no known risks, however the proposed system will improve the management of scrutiny resources.


12.  The committee are asked to note this report and discuss its implementation and any questions.


Contact Details


Dawn Steel

Head of Democratic Services

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance



Report Approved










Specialist Implications Officer(s)




Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all






For further information please contact the author of the report





Annex A – List of Current Scrutiny Topics



CSMC = Corporate & Scrutiny Management Committee.